Installation : Floor model
A single through unit is connected
at the end of a scrapping through
Capacity : 900 Kg/h
Motor : 4,0 KW
Running direct. : 2 ways
Water cons. : 25 Liters/min.
Water control : Automatic solenoid valve
operation in conjunction
with motor.
Waste connect. : 54mm pipe.
Marine execution
- Constructed for use on ships.
- Free standing model.
- Control box included.
- Built in motor protection.
- Smoothly running.
- Sufficient for 1800 covers/sitting.
- The food waste disposer has a motor
of 4,0 KW. Thus this model has limits
for what it can do.
Heavy bones should be cut up before they
are put into the machine.
Control that ca. 25 l/m. of water are
flowing through the machine by operation.
- In compliance with MARPOL Annex V